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Ubuntu is concrete platform. It have amazing support of dedicated developers and end users.
In my case, desktop version of Ubuntu is THE Operating System that controls hardware of my workstation/server.
The whole desktop/workstation at my finger tips at no cost.
Server is using Ubuntu server version installed on VMware server.
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This software have given me the opportunity to create virtual computing machines of varieties of platforms. Restore them from backup, or snapshot when desired. The "liquid" computer is born by using VMware technology. Just open up the valves and fill your glasses.
My server uses this platform, to run inside my Ubuntu workstation. This set-up keeps my personal and serving needs separated, secured, and manageable.
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So much to learn, so much to explore. Where to start? How about to make it work first, and then look behind the curtain to get the thirsty mind around the technology of web server hosting, DNs configuration, FTP, SSH connecting. Do all this in multi user environment. Get clients to use your services as you learn. Have unlimited control of your domains and almost instant changes to DNs .
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Streaming video, and sound conferencing.That is just a tip of this open source flash server, yet to be explored.
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Gallery# Very sophisticated photo/file gallery.
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Fast Single File Gallery
Fast, single .php file photo show.
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CMS Jomla My favorite CMS.
Joomla got large support, robust system, but simple management, well after you get in to understanding it is simple.
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Writers delight - Wordpress Like to blog in style?
Wordpess is THE publishing platform for you.
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Open Meetings
Web based video conference, with white board, documents, and desktop sharing, and more.
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Video Whisper
Collection of Online based technology that involves video communication,chat,recording,streaming.
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Server minitoring report Free weekly report on your server's up time.
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Server uptime notification Free 30 minutes server uptime notification
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openWrt After my D-link router failed few nights in row, I decided to flash this life line to my server, with this Linux based router software.
used http://downloads.openwrt.org/backfire/10.03.1-rc4/ar71xx/openwrt-ar71xx-dir-615-c1-squashfs-factory.bin
falow instal here:
nano /etc/config/uhttpd config file
nano /etc/config/firewall ip tables
/etc/rc.d/S45firewall reload reload firewall changes
uci show uhttpd
uci set uhttpd.main.listen_https=
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ZoneMinder Close Circuit Video System.
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Qdig On NFS share Qdig install is simple, and it just works.
apt-get update
apt-get install imagemagick
cd /var/www
wget http://qdig.sourceforge.net/files/qdig.tar.gz
tar xvfz qdig.tar.gz
rm qdig-
cd qdig
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captcha spam protection Add it to joomla to protect, by simple and elegant captcha. Do not forget to add URL of your multiple sites on keycaptcha.com
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Crafty Syntax Live Help Live help on your site.
Requires server back end.
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Moodle Online class environment, open source.
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Low overhead visualization , keep it separated!
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RAID mdadm
Software RAID is valuable alternative to hardware RAID configurations. Using the mdadm Linux software, gain the benefits of redundancy on systems that support multiple drives.
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