Sometimes I ask myself:"Where do I get the inspiration to do something?" .Well, the answer is relative, but in this case it was just plain space saving practice and love towards my daughter> and guess what> the High Bed idea is born. My daughter has a small room, so a queen size bed would fill her room and would be against my practicality.And let's face it, she has to have place to play in her own room!
So I gather the tools and the material, and locked myself in the shop for a 4 days, project in progress called High Bed.
The construction is simple but the challenge is on.I will not use anything but wood.This means no nails no screws no hardware, just lumber and glue. The whole unit has to be able to disassemble so it can be moved, and assembled in small room where the entrance is door, standard dimensions.This is not the first, and not the last time, where I appreciate my education, particularly my drawing board skills. I can tell you tha: twice measure, and once cut, is so true if, budget is tight, but inspiration wild.
Originally from Czech Republic I Clearly remember my uncle Marek using this wedge joint to build table.So I used this idea to build the project.
Well, I forgot to mention that it is going to be my first time I actually attempted to use such joint my self.
Pictures are a wonderful way to explain, so I let them to guide you through the rest of "High Bed" Project.
Oh did I mention that I call this the "HIGH BED"! [lol]
Material used: 2x4s,2x8ts,4x4s ,glue,water based polyurethane.
This "simple" wedge joint made it all happened. It keeps construction always tight and square, and above all, it is easy to take it apart.