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Dual Celeron 300a
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TOPIC: Dual Celeron 300a

Dual Celeron 300a 12 years, 10 months ago #9

  • u4david
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 12
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This is old project of mine:

the dual Celeron 300a @451 Mhz multi OS system
This is it ! This project called "MY MACHINE" started innocently when my friend gave me two Celeron 300a slot1. Guess what fallowed? The question popped up in my head: "Can I use them both at the same time?". Technically :" Can I enable SMP future lock by Intel and run Celerons dually dually?" The Internet is nice tool to find out. In this case there are lots of pages you can get on and find out something about this dual set up. But this one man seems to give it all up right away : Kikumaru is the guru. Now since you have the link, see all the pictures and step by step instructions. I just like add few points I found useful when working on this project :

-when drill in the chip I used 1mm drill bit. I had to ground the drill bit, to smaller diameter , and I did so by fasten the bit in drill, and ground it while spinning the bit in drill.

-do not brake the bit while drilling! >sure

-when try to solder the tiny wire on any contact, do so by placing the wire to the future permanent contact (it already has some solder on it)and touching it by the hot soldering tip higher op on wire but still as close as possible to the ending of this wire. When it heats it will "sink"in the preexisting solder and it wont spread or somehow differently make this job unacceptable.

-some motherboards will require use of another technique to make this 300a silicon run on higher frequencies and it got to have higher voltage.This tip is waiting for you here.

you know about static so watch for it

Good luck

The Board Super Micro P6DBE. So now I have MY MACHINE. It have two 300a slot 1 CPUs @451 MHz,128mb RAM,30G Hard Drive,4g Hard Drive, 32 Mb video card, CD-Rom, 3x network card 10/100, modem. So I started to fill this machine up with OS. Windows: 98 SE, 2000 Pro, 2000 Server, and XP. They all ruining for my learning activities same as my Linux Debian what is by it self on the 4G hard drive. OS have they proper partition formatted in the native file systems. They all run nicely. If you are interested , just contact me. Update!!! Now is 2.8 2004 I have now running Linux SuSE. I love it. It is so good to know that windows is not the only one OS I can live by. I still have both CPUs running under this OS. Only web creating and file sharing is not smoothed out yet the way I like to have but the rest of mi wide spectrum of use is fully operational and in many cases better that ewer. Update!!! Now is 10.10 2005 I have now updated the CPUs to 700mhz Pentiums@784mhz 320 of ram,40 and 120gb hard drives ,tv tuner,scanner,printer,usb card reader. Got still the dvd and burner and 19 " sun 20e20 monitor. OPERATING SYSTEM SuSE 9.3 All configured and fully functioning.Got web creating to work in NVU. "I trowed The Windows out of window"

Mowing on.This project was fun but now is time be get little more serious so looking to build me dual xeon ,sata hotswap,virtual server host.

Update 2011:I retired this project long time ago.
My new project now is Dual xeon 2.8ghz LV,4gb ram,3ware raid 5,+ 1.5 terabyte of backup HD,tv tuner.
This is only the hardware for the workstation/VM server-Ispconfig3 server an much more......
Last Edit: 12 years, 7 months ago by dxv.
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